Tuesday, February 8, 2011

SDBC Wins the Red Trolley Race

My brother Tyler helped a member of his race team (SDBC) win this race in the Red Trolley Race last weekend.  I never know that bike racing had so much strategy.  I thought that if you peddled the fastest you would win. Tyler is the one on the far right, and I think the guy who won is in the front left corner.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Few Old Shots

Golden Tide Pools

Tide pools in Mexico during the golden hour.  The light this day was so good.

Rock Climber

Kenna after climbing to the top of her favorite rock at Blair Valley.

Russian RIver

This picture was taken on our camping trip up north.  It is the Russian River, I took it one morning when Kenna and I went on a walk before everyone else woke up.

Lil Indian Boy

This picture is of my son Carson.  He was dressed up for Thanksgiving.